What is the difference between
building a business and chasing opportunities?
building a business and chasing opportunities?
Business Builders
Business builders see what they want their business to
become. They devise a plan to make their vision become
a reality.
We call this the M.A.P. (Marketing Action Plan).
With a M.A.P. in place you have a clear path to building
a business that produces desired results.
Are you marketing without a precise M.A.P.?
Opportunity Chasers
hottest trend, or trying the best deal placed in front
of them. They are constantly starting new fires.
Opportunity chasing is an invitation to under achieve.
Precious time is wasted in the pursuit of the next
opportunity...instead of, utilizing that time to FOCUS
on building a customer base.
With no testing, on whether or not, it can actually make
some money...opportunity chasers gravitate to the
"get rich quick" easy promotions.
Although, sales and network matrix building are
important business assets, what opportunity chasers
tend to overlook, are basic long-term strategic plans.
It all boils down to
Time vs ROI (Return on Investment)
Instead of chasing opportunities, business builders tend
to analyze and develop them.
Business building, whether it's on, or off the internet,
requires a variety of skills that must be developed
for any specialized business.
Therefore, one main difference between business
building and opportunity chasing, is how time and
leverage is used.
Generally, there is a learning curve involved in
developing business building skills.
The opportunity chaser tends to move from one
opportunity to another, never learning the required
skills to SUCCEED.
They take on ALL the tasks themselves, often burning
themselves out before producing any income. While
the business builders will leverage their time for money,
and outsource those learned skills to others.
Opportunity choosing and business building, are both
important activities, but one without the other, is like
a car without gas, a nice ride...but doesn't go very far.
I've been building one business for almost a year now.
My team has developed a duplicating marketing
system, that allows me to focus on other aspects of my
business, while the marketing system builds the
sales team.
A system of this kind is undeniably the best tool a
business builder can utilize.
CLICK HERE to see what's working for our team.
If you are tired of chasing opportunities, and ready
to build a stable income...you should find a business
that you can FOCUS and dedicate time to learning how
to grow your business.
If you can find a business with a working marketing
stategy already in place. It will save you a lot of time
and money. After all TIME IS MONEY!
This is the marketing strategy that's been working for
my business team.
Freedom comes with prosperity,
Twyla Parker-Moore
Twyla Parker-Moore
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