Recruiting people into your business is not difficult,
once you know how to approach it.
First of all, everyone is not a candidate for your business. Be selective, you
cannot sell a weight loss product to a person who does not want to lose
weight, and you cannot sell doggie treats to a person who doesn't have a dog.
There are people who have no people skills, they couldn't talk someone into
a business if you sent them a person anxious to get started, but using the
skills I am going to teach you right now, can change even that obstacle.
A person has to have a connection with YOU,
YOUR PRODUCT, or the BENEFITS of the business.
Recruiting is simply sharing your story. Your "why", you are doing what
you do. It is as individual as choosing the clothes you wear daily. Some
people like to change their look daily, others like to wear the same clothes
day after day.
Every person you attempt to have a conversation with, you will approach
in a different way. You wouldn't approach a stranger on the street and
ask them to join your business, so make sure you have talked to them
about something other than business, before attempting to share a story
about joining your business.
No two conversations are ever the same, the only common factor is
your story. People either connect with something in your story, or they
don't. You only need to get them to open their ears to listen!
To properly share your story you need to prepare your selling script.
You accomplish this by asking yourself 4 simple questions:
1. Would you use your flagship product if it wasn't part of the business?
If "yes" then your story will include how great the product is.
If "no" then your story will center around other aspects of the business.
2. What are the benefits of joining your business? List 4 items.
I don't care what they are, but you do need 4 of them, because everyone
is not going to view your items as benefits. You need to have a higher
percentage of positive items, than negative 3 out of 4, is better
than 2 out of 3.
3. How is this business different from other businesses that you know of?
Again list 4 items for more positive options.
4. What is your reason for joining?
Your most honest answer of why you are sold on the company. People
connect with the sincerity in an honest answer.
Now you have your selling script listed in front of you. Now you have a story
to tell. Don't you hate it when you ask someone about their business and
they have to think about an answer? This won't happen to you, because
you've written down all the answers, all you need is an opening
opportunity that will allow you to share your story.
In the middle of a conversation, start thinking about one of the benefits of the
business, and ask a question pertaining to the benefit.
I am going to give you an example of how its done, using my primary business.
National Wealth Center
Let's start with asking the 4 questions:
Question one: Would you use your flagship product if it wasn't part of the business?
(Products: digital self development courses, business development courses, discount
savings plan, financial literacy etc.)
Answer : No, I probably would not use, or buy the products retail, if I wasn't in the
Question two: What are the benefits of joining your business? List 4 items.
Answer :
- systematic way to create monthly income (residual income)
- member to member direct payments (no waiting for paydays)
- 100% commissions, (I get all the profits made from the sale)
- I break even on my first sale ( everything thereafter is pure profit)
- global international business (ability to help people worldwide)
Question three: How is this business different from other businesses that you know of?
Answer :
- compensation plan uses a pass up system, constantly adding people to your payline
- It only takes 50 people on your team to make a "six figure income."
(50 X $175 = $8750, $8750 X 12 months = $105,000 annually)
- low monthly start up cost. $25 + $9.95 = $35 to start your business
- you only need 4 people to start continuous payments passed up to your payline.
- a realistic way to truly help people improve their finances...simple and easy to duplicate
Question four: What is your reason for joining?
Answer : I want to make a six figure income working form home, and this is
the easiest method I found. I don't have to recruit hundreds of people, the numbers work for
me. I BELIEVE with this program, I can successfully achieve my goals and help others do the same.
Now I have my sales script organized. All I need is an opening line to start
sharing my story. Like I mentioned earlier, you should concentrate on the
benefits of the business, so my opening question can be ANY of the questions
listed below:
- What are you doing for residual income?
- Does your company pay 100% commissions?
- How many people do you have to recruit to break even on your monthly cost?
- How often do you get paid? Do you have to wait for an upgrade or a payday?
- Do you know when you are going to get paid?
- Would you like to get paid over and over for each sale you make?
- How many people do you need on your team to make 100K annually?
- What is your start up cost?
- If you could make 100K with only 50 people, would it be worth the time invested?
- Would you like to know you were going to get a consistent amount of money every month, rather than waiting for a direct sale or upgrade?
Everyone is not going to agree with you, or share your interest. Learn to
accept it...but if you can peak their interest enough, for you to share your
information, you will find out who will make a connection with you. Use
your questions as a guideline to add interest to your story.
You can use this method with any company that you are promoting, but
remember always share WHY you personally joined the business. If they
can connect to your WHY, you may possibly make a sale to your business.
Don't make it difficult, just share "your story".
I work full time with National Wealth Center. I help my team work daily, to
achieve the goal of 100K annually. With my company, you only need 50
people on your team to earn $100,000 in annual residual income.
Collectively, we devise a M.A.P. (Marketing Action Plan), and work together
towards making our first goal, after that the sky's the limit!
Click Here to learn more about National Wealth Center.
Recruiting is simply telling someone about your business. It is absolutely
necessary for building and growing the income in any business. Develop
your marketing skills, and you can have success in any online business.
Freedom comes with prosperity,

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